
The Baddi lies on 442m above sea level The climate here is mild, and generally warm and temperate. In winter, there is much less rainfall than in summer. According to Köppen and Geiger, this climate is classified as Cwa. The average annual temperature in Baddi is 23.44. Precipitation here is about 1186 per year.

Precipitation is the lowest in November, with an average of 11. Most precipitation falls in July, with an average of 355.

At an average temperature of 32.4, June is the hottest month of the year. In January, the average temperature is 13.1. It is the lowest average temperature of the whole year.

Between the driest and wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 344 mm. The average temperatures vary during the year by 19.29.

The closest Airport of Baddi is the Chandigarh Airport with a distance of 29.28km (18.20 in miles)

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